Hating your 4th Trimester

For some reason society accepts that you can hate your pregnancy and you are allowed to feel over it! However don’t you dare say that you are bored, fed up and over the newborn stage or you will get……….


 “You will miss it when it’s gone”

"The newborn phase is the best, and its easy compared to toddlerhood.”  

 “Just you wait, it only gets worse from here, cherish this time."


Well I am here to tell you that it’s ok to be bored, fed up and over the 4th Trimester!

It’s totally normal to be mourning your old life after baby, especially after baby number one. There is also this weird mindset that can come over you that“this is your life now” which is total madness!!!! How is a baby ever going to stay a newborn forever!.

If this is you, and you are reading this, then I am hear to shake you up a little, and put your focus lenses on these 3 things:

  1. Move your body for 10min ever morning- walk, yoga, pilates, dance, swim whatever you enjoy

  2. Sit and be present for 10 min every day- Meditate, journal, hug the dog and write what you are grateful for, breath work etc

  3. The BIGGEST ONE IS LEARN SOMETHING for you! take at least 10 min a day (20 min if you can): Even if you have a renovation, small business, and loads on. Prioritise something new for you everyday, it maybe to learn how to move, breath, a passion project, learning a musical instrument, learning how to grow veggies etc.

 These 3 things will help shift the energy, because The 4th Trimester can really not gel with many personality types, myself included :)


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